Wednesday, April 9, 2025 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (ET)
Student Union - Room 235North Campus
Health Promotion716-645-2837
LIVE YOUR VALUES! Have you intervened in a situation to keep someone from being hurt or harmed? Why did you act instead of standing by? Chances are it is because it is in line with one of your personal values. Even though we all have a set of personal values, we do not always have the chance to our values. Let’s talk about ways to overcome the barriers to intervening and how to refine the skills you already have at Being NOBULL- Putting Bystander Intervention into Action. At the end of this program, participants will be able to: identify personal barriers to intervening, identify personal reasons for intervening, articulate their personal bystander intervention style and will begin developing plans for intervening if they see someone who needs help.
You can attend this workshop in person or online. Please register via Zoom if you plan to attend virtually.
Sponsored by: Health Promotion