Thursday, March 13, 2025 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (ET)
Hayes HallSouth Campus
This panel on the Future of Housing Policy, from a practitioner perspective, is part of the Clarkson Chair in Affordable Housing Week with Professor Alex Schwartz from New School University.
This panel of practitioners and researchers focuses on how housing policies can address the pressing gaps of the US housing market, as experienced in Western New York. Potential topics of discussion include accessory dwelling units, the regulation (and restrictions on) multifamily housing, roles of land banks and land trusts, “missing middle” housing, growing size expectations for newly built homes, spread of (or limitations on) new construction techniques, potentials for manufactured housing, and other topics. Depending on participants, we my also discuss the challenges of federalism: the multi-level jurisdictions over housing policy, from federal down through state, county, and local governments. Time will be allowed for discussion among panelists and with the audience.