Saturday, October 21, 2023 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (ET)
Karen Society of Buffalo, 246 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo
In this community conversation, Dr. Sang Kook Lee will talk about his scholarly work on the resettlement experiences of Karen people from Southeast Asia. Karen community leaders from other parts of the United States will discuss their community-building efforts in their local communities, as well as across the country and the world. Coupled with a formal roundtable event the following Monday, we aim to re-shape the narrative and understanding of the Karen people and to better understand what it means for Southeast Asian diaspora to resettle and remake their sense of belonging and connection to local, national, and transnational contexts.
Sang Kook Lee, Professor and Chair, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Greh Moo (secretary) and other leaders, Karen Organization of America
UB Asia Research Institute, Nila T. Gnamm Fund, Immigrant and Refugee Research Institute, School of Social Work
This community meeting will be followed by a roundtable, Identity and Belonging, Karen Refugees in Southeast Asian Diaspora, on Monday, October 23, 3-5:00pm in the Buffalo Room (Capen 10), UB North Campus.
Both events are free and open to the public.